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Routine well maintenance
Comprehensive troubleshooting and maintenance of wells. It is performed using modern equipment and technologies.
More than 27,000 well operations have been performed, including routine repairs, at various fields.

Major well repairs
Complete restoration of well performance, including replacement or repair of key elements. Specialized solutions make it possible to eliminate complex accidents and ensure long-term operation.
The work involves 20+ highly qualified cattle brigades and 40+ units of their own special equipment, which guarantees the reliability and efficiency of work.

Technological work on sealing wells and strengthening columns. It is carried out at various depths using high-quality materials for reliable insulation and protection of layers.
Working with 7+ production bases, which allows you to quickly respond to customer requests in different regions.

Enhanced oil recovery
Innovative technologies and chemical reagents to increase the productivity of deposits. The work includes the treatment of bottomhole zones, alignment of discharge profiles and waterproofing measures.
Our team consists of 470+ professionals who ensure the successful implementation of the most complex projects.

Emergency recovery operations
Emergency recovery work is a complex of repair works for producing and injection wells aimed at eliminating accidents in wells using fishing and milling oilfield equipment.
Aktau, Industrial zone 6, 21
+7(7292) 20-19-50